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Lock Ponsel dengan Sensor Sidik Jari (Fingerprint Goes v2.6)S60V5

Diposting oleh Candra87 Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Lock Ponsel dengan Sensor Sidik Jari (Fingerprint Goes v2.6)

Fingerprint, yeah we are talking about the same application which makes you look like James Bond or if you prefer Ethan Hunt or whatever secret agent you aspire to be. One of the most “seemingly” sophisticated application got an update from its developers recently.
While followers of our blog are no strangers to this application, which we gave away in one of our Tube 5800 contests earlier. As the name may suggest, the application apparently uses your fingerprint as an unlock code for your 5800. Hit the jump button to know the trick thats driving the application.
As usual, the video below is self explanatory:
While its not shown in the above idea, an amateur 5800 user can catch your bluff by just pressing one of the hardware buttons underneath the screen. The developers have realised this faux and have now fixed it with their recent update for Fingerprint- v2.0. This version block all keypress when the FingerPrint screen is on top!
So now the app is more robust and we can promise that your non 5800 friends will totally be foxed by this amazing app.
While the app retails at $4.99, we have managed to convince our good ol’ friends at Thinkchange to offer the app at a special 30% discount (that makes it $3.49) for followers of our blog. So waste no time and get yourself a license of Fingerprint v2 from here.

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